i just got back from the annual Russell women's retreat. what a blast! every year (i think this is year 7) Russell moms, daughters, cousins, and aunts spend the weekend camping at a pa state park. no spouses. no kids. we rent 2 modern cabins (electricity and showers are important) and celebrate the coolness that makes us family. we build campfires, play games, bike, hike and craft. my favorite tradition is the pumpkin carving contest. each of us arrives with a pumpkin which we gut and cut and display around the campfire at night. there is a prize for the best pumpkin. i didn't win this year... but congratulations to lisa and ashley anyway.

this year the leaves were beautiful and the weather perfect. a hike in the woods led us to several abandoned cabins... fun to explore until i was freaked out by bats. we saw lots of little creatures running about, fortunately no snakes and nothing bigger than a groundhog. trudy joined us from MD this year (a definite highlight) and there was plenty of firewood to last late into the night.
i so look forward to this event each year. this weekend reminds me that not only are we family, but we are friends; women who get together to share, laugh and love. i am blessed.
sounds like fun! :) glad you had a good time and can't wait to see you!!!
Trudy's trip back to Maryland or alternative title: The Goose Should've Ducked
Who would've expected to see a canadian goose in the middle of route 30? Final score: Oldsmobile: minus one fog light, Goose: from the rearview mirror it seemed to be staggering, but I didn't stop to find out.
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