Friday, September 5, 2008

to crap or not to crap

our new fridge came today. yippee!! i've been waiting for years for the old one to die, but now i have a problem... should i crap it up?

the front of the old fridge made me happy... pictures of family and friends, artwork, souvenir magnets. it was a mini history of our lives and a reminder of people who make me smile.

but look how pretty the new one is. it's so clean and white. actually, without a junked up front, it even makes the kitchen look bigger.

so now what do i do... to crap or not to crap. that is the question.


Hank W. Smoot said...

I vote for crapping!

Unknown said...

crap it up! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, crap it up!

Anonymous said...

Nice fridge. How do you like it? I say crap it up, but maybe crap it up slowly.

Doug Raynor said...

would you rather have your kitchen "look" bigger, or would you rather have a smile on your face everyday?

I say crap that baby up, bigtime!