Thursday, September 25, 2008

bad ass

crap. my baby loves paintball.

a few weeks ago a friend of the family introduced him to the sport. he's only had one lesson (in Dean's backyard) but that's all it took. was it the feel of the gun or the pop of the pellet that attracted him? maybe it was the super-cool duds. don't know, but he went through 3 canisters of paint balls that day. he shot at rocks and stumps, and watched as his mentor got off one perfect shot. poor chipmunk. wrong place, wrong time. i guess i should be happy that he's chosen an outdoor sport as his most recent interest. i just wish it was one that wouldn't leave welts.

gotta go... wal mart is having a sale on camouflage hoodies.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

busy, busy, busy

I was looking forward to getting back into the routine of school and all that comes with it... up early, work, dinner at 6, an occasional evening of scheduled activity. But I must say, this routine is kicking my butt! I'm tired all the time, my house is a mess, I'm too busy to grocery shop so we're eating lots of pizza and last week there wasn't one evening that we spent at the house as a family.
But all is good.

John spent last weekend in VA with his parents and bother. It was a 2 day music fest; lots of guitars and fiddles. They were so busy listening to music they forgot to eat... i know... unbelievable! I spent the weekend with Mom and Lisa watching a bunch of girl-y movies that John has no desire to see (Mama Mia was my favorite). Ross has added a boys hip hop class to his crazy schedule. Very cool. And trombone, golf and video games take up the rest of his week.
Busy is fun.

Friday, September 5, 2008

to crap or not to crap

our new fridge came today. yippee!! i've been waiting for years for the old one to die, but now i have a problem... should i crap it up?

the front of the old fridge made me happy... pictures of family and friends, artwork, souvenir magnets. it was a mini history of our lives and a reminder of people who make me smile.

but look how pretty the new one is. it's so clean and white. actually, without a junked up front, it even makes the kitchen look bigger.

so now what do i do... to crap or not to crap. that is the question.