Sunday, March 1, 2009

rock on the yough

we just got back from 'music weekend' at john's parents river house. friends and family bring guitars and voices and rock out to whatever music moves them. john and nina host this event once a year and it is so much fun! i brought my bass, and john, his guitar and drums. my sister-in-law, bri, took some great photos and made a video of the event. check it out.


Hank W. Smoot said...

That is definitely a very cool family tradition. Awesome video!

Linda said...

it's so much fun! next year bring your trumpet... they're looking to start a horn section.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry that Drew and I missed it. I think my favorite picture on Bri's slideshow is the one of you laughing. It looks like we missed a good time. Can't wait to see you.